Butte County
University of California
Butte County

Rice Leaf

Issue Articles  
June 2024
  • Second Year Testing No-Till Drill Seeded Rice
  • Pendimethalin Use in California Rice: Clarifications and Updates
  • Tadpole Shrimp Issues in 2024
  • Late Season Control Options for Watergrass
  • San Joaquin Delta Cover Crop Variety Trial
  • Be Wary of Relying on ChatGPT for Agricultural Questions
  • 2024 Economics Needs Assessment Survey
  • Migratory Bird Conservation Partnership
  • No-Till Rice Field Day Agenda
6/3/24 Download
(1,503KB PDF)
April 2024
  • Imagine (Drill-seeding trials)
  • New Herbicides Bring Additional Tools to California Rice Weed Management in 2024
  • Evaluation of Pyraclonil in California Rice
  • Don’t Forget About the Bugs!
4/9/24 Download
(856KB PDF)
January 2024
  • 2023 UC Rice Varietry Trial Results
  • Choose your Medium Grain Variety
  • New Herbicide Registered in Califoria for 2024: Cliffhanger
  • New Weed in California Rice: White Water Fire
  • Management of Rice Seed Midge – Insecticide Trial Results
  • Evaluating Losses Caused by Stem Rot
  • New Rice Farming Systems Advisor for Colusa and Yolo Counties
  • Survey: Challengers and Opportunities for Organic Rice
1/22/24 Download
(809KB PDF)
November 2023

Testing no-till drill-seeded rice * 2023 Seed production report * Weeds to watch out for: 2023 edition * Diseases in 2023 * 2023 Delta recap

11/14/23 Download
(963KB PDF)
July 2023
  • Testing no-till drill-seeded rice 
  • More rice seed midge during 2023 
  • Weeds in 2023: Wrap up 
  • What’s new in tadpole shrimp research? 
  • Meeting: Organic rice: current research and future needs 
8/16/23 Download
(1,064KB PDF)
April 2023
  • Considerations for a late planted year
  • Yields and nitrogen management following a fallow year
  • Certified seed update
  • Stem rot management update
  • Weed management in 2023: what can we expect?
  • New product registrations for 2023
  • Managing rice in a late planted year
  • Meet the new Rice Farming Systems Advisor serving Colusa and Yolo counties
4/6/23 Download
(448KB PDF)
January 2023

Choosing a Medium Grain Variety - Results of 2022 Variety Trials - Rice Acreage by Variety Report - Effect of Competition by Weedy Rice - 2022 Disease Observations - Insecticides for Armyworm Control - Rice Regulatory Updates

1/26/23 Download
(857KB PDF)
November 2022
  • Looking Back at 2022
  • High Nighttime Temperatures Partially to Blame for Increased Chalk and Decreased Milling
  • 2022 Pest Review
  • New Smart Insect Pest Detection Technology for Agricultural and Food Products
  • Rice Crop Rotation Tool Launched
  • 2022 Delta Rice Recap
11/9/22 Download
(1,029KB PDF)
July 2022
  • Getting the Most out of Limited Water
  • Herbicide Susceptibility Survey of Watergrass
  • Germination of Stored Rice Seed
  • Challenges and Opportunities for US Organic Rice
  • Don’t Forget the Rice Field Day!
7/8/22 Download
(499KB PDF)
April 2022
  • Fertility considerations going into 2022
  • Watergrass control options based on herbicide resistance status
  • Managing tadpole shrimp
  • Determining the herbicide resistance in grower fields is key for successful weed control in rice
  • Updates from the Rice Experiment Station
4/13/22 Download
(469KB PDF)
January 2022

Summary of 2021 rice variety trials - Tadpole shrimp management: moving beyond pyrethroids - Watergrass herbicide screening: 2021 results - Herbicide trial in Delta drill seeded rice

1/25/22 Download
(1,270KB PDF)
November 2021
  • Save the Date: 2022 Rice Grower Meetings
  • Managing winter flood when winter flood water is uncertain
  • 2021 California Crop Improvement Rice Seed Report
  • Weedy rice survey and season wrap up
  • Arthropod and disease update
11/5/21 Download
(431KB PDF)
July 2021

2021 Planting Overview - Propanil 101 - Mid-season arthropod and disease update - Weedy Rice Workshop: 2021 - Rice Field Day

7/8/21 Download
(378KB PDF)
April 2021
  • Fertility considerations going into 2021
  • Factors affecting crop rotation for rice growers
  • Weeds to watch out for in 2021
  • Herbicide trial in Delta drill-seeded rice
  • Tadpole shrimp: how resistant are they to pyrethroids?
  • Looking for M-210 fields in Glenn and Butte counties
4/6/21 Download
(792KB PDF)
January 2021

Summary of 2020 UC Rice Variety Trials - 2020 Seed Update, Red Rice Focus - What's New for Thiobencarb - Preliminary Herbicide Screening in rice on Watergrass Species

1/21/21 Download
(668KB PDF)
Watergrass seed request

The UCCE Rice Team is conducting a field survey to collect watergrass samples over the next few weeks. The samples will be used to develop chemical and non-chemical management plans for watergrass.

We are looking for all types of watergrass: "mimic", early watergrass, late watergrass, barnyardgrass, and the new species that we started seeing a couple of years ago. See attached flyer for pictures.

For more information, and if you are interested in having us come out and sample your field(s), please contact Whitney Brim-DeForest (wbrimdeforest@ucanr.edu), or call 541-292-1553.

8/13/20 Download
(482KB PDF)
June 2020

What do you get from an NDVI reading - Effect of armyworm defoliation on rice yield - New California rice herbicide: RebelEX

6/23/20 Download
(809KB PDF)
April 2020

Contents: Rice variety trials - Fungicide treatment timings - Potassium fertilizer needs - Weeds to watch out for in 2020 - Herbicide trial in Delta drill-seeded rice.

4/2/20 Download
(3,605KB PDF)
August 2019

Sign up for the 2019 UCCE Rice Yield Contest - Collecting Weed Seeds for Herbicide Resistance Testing - 2019 Armyworm Update - Weedy Rice Scounting and Reporting - Alligatorweed Spotted in Butte County

8/16/19 Download
(2,492KB PDF)
June 2019

Managing Nitrogen Fertilizer When the Weather Does Not Cooperate - A Few Thoughts on Disease Management for 2019 - Weed Management: 2019 Season

6/10/19 Download
(355KB PDF)
March 2019

Summary of 2018 University of California Rice Variety Trials - Tillage for weed management in a good water year - Weedy rice: 2018 season wrap-up and looking ahead for 2019

3/12/19 Download
(5,091KB PDF)
August 2018

• UCCE Rice Field Day
• 2018 UCCE Rice Yield Contest
• New Watergrass Species: Be on the lookout!
• Testing for Suspected Herbicide Resistance
• Management of stem rot

8/20/18 Download
(870KB PDF)
July 2018
  • UCCE Rice Production Workshop
  • A weed problem all rice growers should be aware of: Weedy Rice
  • Another field with the suspected new weed species: Sutter County!
  • Planting progress for rice in 2018
  • Weed Control in Rice: Matching Herbicides with the Weeds of Your Field
8/20/18 Download
(437KB PDF)
April 2018
  • Upcoming Meetings
  • Lookout for New Weed Species!
  • Update on Early Season Arthropod Management
  • Fertility Management
  • 2018 Yield Contest
  • Armyworms 2018: Get Ready
  • Useful Websites
8/20/18 Download
(498KB PDF)
November 2017
  • Upcoming Meetings
  • 2017 Season Wrap-up
  • 2017 Delta Rice Recap
  • Weedy Rice Update 2017
  • Armyworms in 2017
  • Useful Websites
8/20/18 Download
(1,177KB PDF)
August 2017
  • 2017 Rice Field Day
  • Rice Disease Update
  • Time for Weedy Rice Scouting!
  • Herbicide Resistance in Rice UCCE Yield Contest
  • 2nd Annual Rice Weed Course
8/20/18 Download
(215KB PDF)
June 2017

• Save the Dates!
• Cass Mutter Retires!
• Nitrogen and Water Management
• Armyworms Revisited
• How to Select a Follow-up Herbicide
• 2017 Yield Contest
• Grow Rice? Help Birds!
• Useful Websites
• Rice Weed Course

8/20/18 Download
(521KB PDF)
April 2017
  • Managing late planted rice 
  • Land preparation 
  • Varietal selection 
  • Water management 
  • Fertility management 
  • Weed management 
  • Pest management 
  • No-till rice
  • FAQ
3/26/18 Download
(225KB PDF)
June 2014
  • Midseason Nitrogen Fertilizer 
  • Rice Blast 
  • Management of Propanil Resistant Sedges 
  • Appointed Vice Provost for UC Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources 
  • Bird Habitat Program Continues and Expands
3/26/18 Download
(303KB PDF)
April 2014
  • Midseason Nitrogen Fertilizer 
  • Rice Blast 
  • Management of Propanil Resistant Sedges 
  • Appointed Vice Provost for UC Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources 
  • Bird Habitat Program Continues and Expands
6/20/18 Download
(304KB PDF)
April 2012
  • Managing Late Planted Rice,
  • Winged Primeose Willow (WPW)
9/13/12 Download
(723KB PDF)
August 2011
  • Rice Field Day information  August 31, 2011
  • Armyworms
  • Rice Blast
  • Planning Harvest
  • Using a Desiccant to Accelerate Dry Down


8/18/11 Download
(379KB PDF)
June 2010
  • Throw Away the Calendar
  • Well, Just how Cold was May?
  • Midseason Nitrogen Fertilizer
  • Managaing Weed Populations to Protect Against Herbicide Resistance
9/13/12 Download
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