Butte County
University of California
Butte County

Rice Leaf

Sing up to receive the Rice Leaf Newsletter, Armyworm Update, and Weedy Rice eNewsletter in your email

If you would like to receive hardcopies in the mail, send an email with your mailing address to laespino@ucanr.edu

Issue Articles Type Date Added
June 2024 (1,503KB)
  • Second Year Testing No-Till Drill Seeded Rice
  • Pendimethalin Use in California Rice: Clarifications and Updates
  • Tadpole Shrimp Issues in 2024
  • Late Season Control Options for Watergrass
  • San Joaquin Delta Cover Crop Variety Trial
  • Be Wary of Relying on ChatGPT for Agricultural Questions
  • 2024 Economics Needs Assessment Survey
  • Migratory Bird Conservation Partnership
  • No-Till Rice Field Day Agenda
PDF 6/3/24
April 2024 (856KB)
  • Imagine (Drill-seeding trials)
  • New Herbicides Bring Additional Tools to California Rice Weed Management in 2024
  • Evaluation of Pyraclonil in California Rice
  • Don’t Forget About the Bugs!
PDF 4/9/24
January 2024 (809KB)
  • 2023 UC Rice Varietry Trial Results
  • Choose your Medium Grain Variety
  • New Herbicide Registered in Califoria for 2024: Cliffhanger
  • New Weed in California Rice: White Water Fire
  • Management of Rice Seed Midge – Insecticide Trial Results
  • Evaluating Losses Caused by Stem Rot
  • New Rice Farming Systems Advisor for Colusa and Yolo Counties
  • Survey: Challengers and Opportunities for Organic Rice
PDF 1/22/24
November 2023 (963KB)

Testing no-till drill-seeded rice * 2023 Seed production report * Weeds to watch out for: 2023 edition * Diseases in 2023 * 2023 Delta recap

PDF 11/14/23
July 2023 (1,064KB)
  • Testing no-till drill-seeded rice 
  • More rice seed midge during 2023 
  • Weeds in 2023: Wrap up 
  • What’s new in tadpole shrimp research? 
  • Meeting: Organic rice: current research and future needs 
PDF 8/16/23
April 2023 (448KB)
  • Considerations for a late planted year
  • Yields and nitrogen management following a fallow year
  • Certified seed update
  • Stem rot management update
  • Weed management in 2023: what can we expect?
  • New product registrations for 2023
  • Managing rice in a late planted year
  • Meet the new Rice Farming Systems Advisor serving Colusa and Yolo counties
PDF 4/6/23
January 2023 (857KB)

Choosing a Medium Grain Variety - Results of 2022 Variety Trials - Rice Acreage by Variety Report - Effect of Competition by Weedy Rice - 2022 Disease Observations - Insecticides for Armyworm Control - Rice Regulatory Updates

PDF 1/26/23
November 2022 (1,029KB)
  • Looking Back at 2022
  • High Nighttime Temperatures Partially to Blame for Increased Chalk and Decreased Milling
  • 2022 Pest Review
  • New Smart Insect Pest Detection Technology for Agricultural and Food Products
  • Rice Crop Rotation Tool Launched
  • 2022 Delta Rice Recap
PDF 11/9/22
July 2022 (499KB)
  • Getting the Most out of Limited Water
  • Herbicide Susceptibility Survey of Watergrass
  • Germination of Stored Rice Seed
  • Challenges and Opportunities for US Organic Rice
  • Don’t Forget the Rice Field Day!
PDF 7/8/22
April 2022 (469KB)
  • Fertility considerations going into 2022
  • Watergrass control options based on herbicide resistance status
  • Managing tadpole shrimp
  • Determining the herbicide resistance in grower fields is key for successful weed control in rice
  • Updates from the Rice Experiment Station
PDF 4/13/22
January 2022 (1,270KB)

Summary of 2021 rice variety trials - Tadpole shrimp management: moving beyond pyrethroids - Watergrass herbicide screening: 2021 results - Herbicide trial in Delta drill seeded rice

PDF 1/25/22
November 2021 (431KB)
  • Save the Date: 2022 Rice Grower Meetings
  • Managing winter flood when winter flood water is uncertain
  • 2021 California Crop Improvement Rice Seed Report
  • Weedy rice survey and season wrap up
  • Arthropod and disease update
PDF 11/5/21
July 2021 (378KB)

2021 Planting Overview - Propanil 101 - Mid-season arthropod and disease update - Weedy Rice Workshop: 2021 - Rice Field Day

PDF 7/8/21
April 2021 (792KB)
  • Fertility considerations going into 2021
  • Factors affecting crop rotation for rice growers
  • Weeds to watch out for in 2021
  • Herbicide trial in Delta drill-seeded rice
  • Tadpole shrimp: how resistant are they to pyrethroids?
  • Looking for M-210 fields in Glenn and Butte counties
PDF 4/6/21
January 2021 (668KB)

Summary of 2020 UC Rice Variety Trials - 2020 Seed Update, Red Rice Focus - What's New for Thiobencarb - Preliminary Herbicide Screening in rice on Watergrass Species

PDF 1/21/21
Watergrass seed request (482KB)

The UCCE Rice Team is conducting a field survey to collect watergrass samples over the next few weeks. The samples will be used to develop chemical and non-chemical management plans for watergrass.

We are looking for all types of watergrass: "mimic", early watergrass, late watergrass, barnyardgrass, and the new species that we started seeing a couple of years ago. See attached flyer for pictures.

For more information, and if you are interested in having us come out and sample your field(s), please contact Whitney Brim-DeForest (wbrimdeforest@ucanr.edu), or call 541-292-1553.

PDF 8/13/20
June 2020 (809KB)

What do you get from an NDVI reading - Effect of armyworm defoliation on rice yield - New California rice herbicide: RebelEX

PDF 6/23/20
April 2020 (3,605KB)

Contents: Rice variety trials - Fungicide treatment timings - Potassium fertilizer needs - Weeds to watch out for in 2020 - Herbicide trial in Delta drill-seeded rice.

PDF 4/2/20
August 2019 (2,492KB)

Sign up for the 2019 UCCE Rice Yield Contest - Collecting Weed Seeds for Herbicide Resistance Testing - 2019 Armyworm Update - Weedy Rice Scounting and Reporting - Alligatorweed Spotted in Butte County

PDF 8/16/19
June 2019 (355KB)

Managing Nitrogen Fertilizer When the Weather Does Not Cooperate - A Few Thoughts on Disease Management for 2019 - Weed Management: 2019 Season

PDF 6/10/19
March 2019 (5,091KB)

Summary of 2018 University of California Rice Variety Trials - Tillage for weed management in a good water year - Weedy rice: 2018 season wrap-up and looking ahead for 2019

PDF 3/12/19
August 2018 (870KB)

• UCCE Rice Field Day
• 2018 UCCE Rice Yield Contest
• New Watergrass Species: Be on the lookout!
• Testing for Suspected Herbicide Resistance
• Management of stem rot

PDF 8/20/18
July 2018 (437KB)
  • UCCE Rice Production Workshop
  • A weed problem all rice growers should be aware of: Weedy Rice
  • Another field with the suspected new weed species: Sutter County!
  • Planting progress for rice in 2018
  • Weed Control in Rice: Matching Herbicides with the Weeds of Your Field
PDF 8/20/18
April 2018 (498KB)
  • Upcoming Meetings
  • Lookout for New Weed Species!
  • Update on Early Season Arthropod Management
  • Fertility Management
  • 2018 Yield Contest
  • Armyworms 2018: Get Ready
  • Useful Websites
PDF 8/20/18
November 2017 (1,177KB)
  • Upcoming Meetings
  • 2017 Season Wrap-up
  • 2017 Delta Rice Recap
  • Weedy Rice Update 2017
  • Armyworms in 2017
  • Useful Websites
PDF 8/20/18
August 2017 (215KB)
  • 2017 Rice Field Day
  • Rice Disease Update
  • Time for Weedy Rice Scouting!
  • Herbicide Resistance in Rice UCCE Yield Contest
  • 2nd Annual Rice Weed Course
PDF 8/20/18
June 2017 (521KB)

• Save the Dates!
• Cass Mutter Retires!
• Nitrogen and Water Management
• Armyworms Revisited
• How to Select a Follow-up Herbicide
• 2017 Yield Contest
• Grow Rice? Help Birds!
• Useful Websites
• Rice Weed Course

PDF 8/20/18
April 2017 (225KB)
  • Managing late planted rice 
  • Land preparation 
  • Varietal selection 
  • Water management 
  • Fertility management 
  • Weed management 
  • Pest management 
  • No-till rice
  • FAQ
PDF 3/26/18
June 2014 (303KB)
  • Midseason Nitrogen Fertilizer 
  • Rice Blast 
  • Management of Propanil Resistant Sedges 
  • Appointed Vice Provost for UC Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources 
  • Bird Habitat Program Continues and Expands
PDF 3/26/18
April 2014 (304KB)
  • Midseason Nitrogen Fertilizer 
  • Rice Blast 
  • Management of Propanil Resistant Sedges 
  • Appointed Vice Provost for UC Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources 
  • Bird Habitat Program Continues and Expands
PDF 6/20/18
April 2012 (723KB)
  • Managing Late Planted Rice,
  • Winged Primeose Willow (WPW)
PDF 9/13/12
August 2011 (379KB)
  • Rice Field Day information  August 31, 2011
  • Armyworms
  • Rice Blast
  • Planning Harvest
  • Using a Desiccant to Accelerate Dry Down


PDF 8/18/11
June 2010
  • Throw Away the Calendar
  • Well, Just how Cold was May?
  • Midseason Nitrogen Fertilizer
  • Managaing Weed Populations to Protect Against Herbicide Resistance
PDF 9/13/12
View All
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