About Butte County

Butte County "land of natural wealth and beauty" approximating 1,677 square miles in total with 1,639 miles of land, and 38 square miles of water. Butte County has the largest urban population in California North of Sacramento in with an estimate of approximately 221,539 residents in 2012.The estimated gross value of agricultural production in our Butte County crop reports in 2012 totaled $721,434,000. Fruit and nut crops lead in value at over $469 million followed by field crops at over $175 million .
Production of the top five crops; rice, walnuts, almonds, olives, dried plums, and nursery stock accounts for 86 percent of the total gross value. Butte County is second statewide in rice, walnut, prune, kiwifruit, and pecan acreage.
Agriculture is the #1 industry in Butte County acting as a major base for economical gain. As a result it is the responsibility of the UC extension system to protect and promote Butte's agricultural systems by providing resources and education in new technology and strategies for local garden and farmer products.